Travel Day and Gothenburg, Sweden

 Today was a travel day. We got on the bus and started driving. We kept driving and driving and driving. The scenery was much like Wisconsin.


After over 6 hours we got to Goteborg (Gothenburg). We came to our apartment on the lightrail. After arriving we walked to a local pizza place for dinner which was very good. Tomorrow we will go out and explore the city.

Our first day in Gothenburg was great. Dad and I went to look around the city while Mom stayed home to work. We went to a fish market and saw 2112, a restaurant named for an album by Rush. We also went to a Vietnamese place for lunch. It was very hard to order because the waiter knew Vietnamese as his first language then Swedish and then English. As with most restaurants here, we quickly resorted to just pointing at the menu. We ate amazing dumplings with soy sauce. Afterward, we went back to the apartment so Dad could get ready for a meeting with a client. I stayed there with Mom and when Dad got home we watched some of the eclipse.

For dinner, we had meat in a tube. This is a very popular thing in Sweden and some stores have an entire aisle of tube foods! We had bacon and cheese, and shrimp and cheese. The shrimp is disgusting and the bacon is just bad. But, it was a good experience.


Gothenburg,  Sweden


The next day we were up bright and early. we went to the park and explored. We were walking at one point when we came around the corner we saw a large pool with underwater viewing windows. We looked in for a few minutes before we saw a seal! You don’t find that in a park back home. We watched them for a while before moving on and around the next corner there was a pond with two swans. One was very graceful, the other… not so much. It was flapping and swimming and scratching and squawking. I think the graceful one was telling the other that he accidentally drank the non-decaf that morning. We went off to a great park made of natural objects like wood, stone, and trees. It was one of my favorite parks that I have been to for a long time. I ran around for a long time. We then went up a path that had lots of forests. when we reached the top of a little hill there was a small zoo. we saw elk, deer, reindeer, goats, and many birds. We came down the hill to find another great park. It had climbing logs, rope mazes, a giant wooden whale that had climbing holds and a slide and an interior that you could play in. It was great! As we were walking to the subway a rainstorm hit. It was pouring and we had to hide under trees. Second most crazy rainstorm I’ve ever been in. We ran back to the subway after the rain had slowed and went to the apartment. It was a great day.

For what this is and why I am punching it check back tommorow.

Creapy clown count of the day: 3


4 Responses to “Travel Day and Gothenburg, Sweden

  • Gram Walker
    7 years ago

    I love your descriptive writing style. Makes me feel like I’m there seeing it with you.

  • Patrice Hauptman
    7 years ago

    Dying over the meat in a tube stuff. Glad that isn’t a trend here yet. Super cool to hear about the parks! Say hi to your Mom from Patrice

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  • Gothenburg – Rhys Hanson :

    […] to our apartment that was oddly near to our place we stayed last time we were in Gothenburg. See Here. We were only in Gothenburg for 2 nights so our only day there was very busy. We got up bright and […]

    6 years ago

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