
We arrived at our house in Saturina and were told many things by our host about our house… In Italian. We figured it out but it was very hard. Then we all did some work and had some great homemade pasta before going to bed.

This morning we woke up early and went and spent about 6 hours at the Saturnia Hot Springs. For those of you who don’t know the hot springs a much like mammoth hot springs in Yellowstone. The major difference is you can swim in these ones. We started in the travertine pools before working our way up towards the spring its self and the little river that leads up to the falls in the pools. We stayed there for a while finding rocks with holes and hanging on the rope in the fast water. We went back to the pools for the sunset which kinda fizzled. Then as it was starting to get cold we went home for the night.

The next day mom needed to work. Dad and I decided to go back to the hot pools. We mainly stayed in the river part and I found travertine that had formed around sticks to make tubes. I dove down and found a few more before finding one that was half an inch across on the inside and being done. I don’t know what to do with them but I will do something. Recommendations needed. We went to the lower pools and found that the stones down there had been rounded over time to make spheres with golfball like texture. We were cold so we went home for the evening.

Saturnia Hot Springs are amazing and we are so glad we came here. Another recommendation from our friends Marco and Sara so Thank You!

3 Responses to “Saturina

  • Lyndsi Bieging
    6 years ago

    Those pictures are amazing! I am jealous of all of the hot springs that you guys have been to – you need to write a travel book about hot springs!

  • Marco Gualdrini
    6 years ago

    Me and Sara are very happy that our suggestions were good for you!

  • Barb Walker
    6 years ago

    You are becoming The Expert on hot springs. That’s a pretty “hot” thing to be.

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