
Today we were going to go to the town of Nottingham where Robin Hood is said to be from. However, our main event there was canceled due to bad weather so we will try again tomorrow. Instead, we had a work day.

Today Nottingham did not cancel on us so we drove there. We went through a shopping center to the Nottingham cave system entrance. We got our hard hats and went in. We saw how the caves were carved into the sandstone cliff starting in around 1500. We saw how the caves have been used as a tannery, bomb shelters, storage and even a place to avoid the plague. The area around the tannery was so smelly that the plague flees and rats didn’t go there. Therefore that area became the spot that only the richest people could afford to live in!

After the caves, we went to an amazing restaurant called Sushi Yo. The sushi goes around on little conveyor belts and if you see something you want you grab it and eat it. We had regular sushi but it was cool to see.

That night we stayed in an airport hotel near Gatwick airport. Dad went to return the car and afterwards, we went to an amazing burger restaurant. They cooked my burger wrong the first time but recooked it and offered me a soda or ice cream (which we did not take as we had an early flight the next morning and did not want to be sugared up.) We went home and got to bed fast despite the 80-degree heat that could not be turned down. The next morning we woke up REALLY early ready for our flight.


4 Responses to “London-Munich

  • That is so interesting, I had no idea that those caves were used as shelter during the plague! Where are you off too next?

    • RhysHanson
      6 years ago

      Read the next blog that will be going up in 10 minutes. 🙂 I was taught to never spoil the story for people who had not read as far as I had.

  • Barb Walker
    6 years ago

    Your food descriptions make my mouth water.

  • Did you see any Robin Hood stuff? Was he alive during the plague and in the caves?

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