
Pronounced Clandudno, Llandudno is a sea side town in North Wales. We went to Llandudno 5 years ago and loved it so much we had to come back!

We arrived after my lacrosse game in Manchester. Mom and Dad went for a walk but I stayed home to rest. We had dinner and went to bed early.

The next morning we woke up and went to yet another botanic garden this time with our friends Jonathan Rothwell and his wife Carole. We had a great time seeing so many exotic trees plants and even some ducks and geese. Afterward, we went to have some lunch with them. I had a bowl of soup. We went back to Llandudno and Mom and Dad went to dinner with Johnathon and Carole while I stayed at home to read.


The next morning we were off to Conwy. We had also been before but it is my favorite castle so we went back. It was built around 1283. It only took four years to build! It was only taken over once by a carpenter working for some rebels. It is huge and would have been very hard to take over. Next, we walked along the city walls which are huge as well.


We hopped back in the car and started driving to Llandudno. Or were we? Llandudno was supposed to only be 5 minutes away but we just kept driving. I assumed we were taking a more scenic route. We finally stop and we are at the tea house in Llanwrst. We had also been there before and I wanted to go back so Mom and Dad surprised me. It has a newer stone circle right next to it. The old teahouse has different color ivy all over it around the year. It was built in 900 and has been in use ever since for many things. Mom and I had a cream tea. When we arrived there was only one table available and it was the same table we sat at five years ago!

The next morning we got up early and went to Snowdonia park again. We drove for a while, observed Mt. Snowdon being eaten by The Welsh Fog Monster and then pulled over a little while later for an adventure. Dad and I started hiking up the hill and when we reached the top heard that no aircraft had been seen all day. We were on the Mach loop which is a training facility for military fighters that fly through very low for great pictures of cool aircraft. We didn’t see any and left very cold and tired. We slept very well that night for amazing adventures tomorrow!

3 Responses to “Llandudno

  • annabel blay
    6 years ago

    I really love the ‘flashback’ photos from 5 years ago compared to today’s shots. Thanks for sharing, Rhys. I miss my cream teas …

  • Janet Shown
    6 years ago

    Reese, you’re a really good storyteller. Your descriptions are vivid and the writing is pithy. I particularly liked the comment about the Welsh Fog Monster. If I were an English teacher, I’d be giving you really high scores for all your blogs! I really love the photos, too.

  • Janet shown
    6 years ago

    Oops. I should never trust voice to text. Sorry about the misspelled name above.

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